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CHR’s Gascon calls for resistance to worldwide ‘democratic recession’

Philippine Commission on Human Rights chairperson Chito Gascon is urging people across the world to stand up against "democratic recession" plaguing all continents due to the rise of strongmen.
In an article published in TIME magazine on Wednesday, Gascon wrote that "democracy and human rights are in retreat today, and not only in the Philippines, but across all continents."
He said that the appeal of strongmen is not new, but that they present a "false and even dystopian dichotomy" that leads to their rise to power.
He added that the strongman's appealing proposition is a "false choice," and "an alternative of greater safety, security, and stability, in exchange for diminished freedoms."
"We can and we must direct a righteous rage towards this trend, in a manner that is both purposive and strategic," Gascon said.
He called for non-violent strategies in parliaments, courts, cyberspaces, and streets, while urging to build solidarity.
"Let us be emboldened by an unrelenting will to stand up for justice, and an undying faith in humanity’s capacity for good. If we do not struggle, we will not overcome. We must push back," he said.

Broken promise
Gascon lamented the broken promise that was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which is celebrating its 70th anniversary later this year.
Adopted in 1948, the UDHR is a historic document that signifies a milestone in the history of human rights. It sets out a standard that was meant to be adopted by all nations.
"Since its creation, the world has painstakingly constructed an entire edifice of human rights norms, establishing domestic and international protection mechanisms to ensure the fulfillment of the UDHR’s promise. But that promise has been broken around the world," he said.
He highlighted President Rodrigo Duterte's relentless war on drugs in the Philippines, and his continued calls to ignore international outrage over the thousands killed in the bloody campaign.
Gascon said that the world must continue upholding human rights, and that there is no battle that is more important than that.
"We need more democracy and not less of it, and we must uphold human rights for there is no battle more important today. Democracy and human rights are important enablers of human development that will create conditions for people to reach their full potential. As long as persons in any part of the world remain deprived of their fundamental rights and freedom, we are all diminished," he said.
"If we are unable to ensure the respect, protection, and fulfillment of human rights and fundamental freedoms of all—especially the poorest and the most marginalized—then the universal human rights project will indeed mean nothing," he added. —Jessica Bartolome/LBG,
